Supreme Transparency
  • Term
  • 2023-2024

Alexander v. South Carolina State Conference of NAACP

Voting rights are once again under siege in this case, as the Supreme Court has an opportunity to decide whether South Carolina can “pack and crack” Black voters — gerrymandering practices used to dilute their strength at the ballot box. In the 2019 case Rucho v. Common Cause, the court already ruled that people could no longer challenge partisan gerrymanders in federal court — but people whose constitutional and voting rights were infringed upon by racial gerrymanders could still bring cases. In Alexander, South Carolina argues that racial gerrymandering is functionally equivalent to partisan gerrymandering and thus should be allowed. If the Supreme Court bends to South Carolina’s argument, it would be a major blow to our democracy, shutting down a crucial avenue used to combat racial inequities and realize our constitutional rights to equal representation.

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Judicial WatchRead the amicus brief